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Co žeh napisoł ve patyntah

1. Invention protected by Polish patent No.PAT.225270. Józef Wiora, Andrzej Kozyra. Method and system for combination of ion-selective or the ORP sensors with a measuring instrument wireless links, especially in the measure systems for concentrations of ions and redox potential (ORP) (in Polish) . 05.10.2016.

2. Polish Patent Application No. P.402810. Józef Wiora, Andrzej Kozyra. Method and system for combination of ion-selective or the ORP sensors with a measuring instrument wireless links, especially in the measure systems for concentrations of ions and redox potential (ORP) (in Polish) . 18.02.2013 - Publ.: 1.09.2014.


frišnjynto: 23.03.2017